Who is pursuing this idea? 

Hi. I am Codie, and I am the main executive and creator of this idea of The Unknown Potential. I developed this idea and decided to pursue it after growing up my whole life, living in the specific living conditions  that I still live in now. I decided that it was important enough to me, to dedicate my life to solving the problems we have today involving poverty citizens, coruption, and the links that bond them to each other.

 I am in no financial capability to pursue this alone and I  am open to and appreciate any and all support, effort, time, and so on.. That can be contributed to helping me move forward in my mission.

Thank you for being you and staying true! 

-Codie D Wilkinson

What exactly is the purpose? 

Purpose of Equalities Potential 

The Equalities Potential blog serves as a platform to educate people about "The Unknown Potential." While a full website for The Unknown Potential is still under construction, this blog will:

  • - Address questions or concerns about "The Unknown Potential."
  • - Post updates on upcoming events and developments.
  • - Share progress and challenges faced by The Unknown Potential.
  • - Inform the public about available help and resources.
  • - Fulfill other essential roles a website typically provides. 

Purpose of The Unknown Potential

The Unknown Potential was created in response to the pervasive corruption in the United States, which disproportionately affects the weakest links in society—low-income families and communities below the poverty line. These individuals are the easiest to exploit and control due to:- 

  • The lack of valuable support from the U.S. Government.
  • The suppression of opportunities and knowledge due to financial barriers.
  • The absence of policies and regulations to control large corporations.
  • The excessive power given to local law enforcement over average citizens.
  • The stigmas attached to impoverished citizens, limiting their independence and health.
  • And numerous other reasons that could fill an endless list.

I am driven by a strong belief that we must take action to address the inequality embedded in the main systems governing our economy and society in the U.S.

Current Primary Objectives.

There is so much that needs to be done and all of it is very important neccessitys. So, in order to keep it simple, I've rounded all of the common and relative goals, into 3 separate categories.

Awareness & Uniting 

  • Ebook fundraiser
  • Ebook publishing
  • Online platform

Community Development

  • Partnerships
  • Policies
  • Opperating systems

Sustainable Opperations

  • Resource development 
  • Equal contribution
  • Fair treatment

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