The 4 Qualities Of Potential: Rediscover The True Meaning Of Potential
Hello reader!
Thank you for your interest in reading my blog post, "The 4 Qualities of Potential". I assure you, you will not regret it and you will realize why shortly. As I am far from near to officially establishing my ideal non-profit organization, it is still the inspiration for the E-book I will be publishing on February 1, 2025 called, "The Unknown Potential". If you are interested in learning moreFacebook page about the E-book and or non-profit visit the [Facebook page] I created for them specifically. This blog has a slightly different purpose than what E-book is purposed for. My E-book is meant to spread awareness and present a solution in hopes of gaining support as well as developing a group of people with relatable opinions to mine and willing to pursue this vision we have in common. This blog, on the other hand, is meant to strictly educate, inform, and update anyone who may be unsure of the reality of this idea, needs to understand more clearly what my mission is, is lacking knowledge on the information I provide, wants to watch and keep track of the progression, or even just want to read and learn about any specific approach, method, strategy, policy, challenge, concept and anything else that is requested of me to inform about.Now let's move on to the subject dedicated to this specific blog post...
The 4 Qualities Of Potential
This concept, and the information I share about it in this specific writing, is a concept I developed myself and is based on my personal logic and perspectives. This post is only meant to be perceived as a personal perspective with factual information to back up my belief of this perspective and not as a factual known concept that has been proven. Therefore, I would like to present to you this blog post as a literal example of itself and the "potential" (HINT-HINT) concept I talk about in it. Note that I hinted at the word "potential" above. This is because this article "has potential," "displays potential," "inspires potential," and "is potential."
There is nothing but potential from pretty much every aspect of the perception of this blog post, and this potential can be harnessed and Utilized to anyone's advantage or even disadvantage, along with pretty much anything else you come across in your life journey. But only if the reader can perceive the potential that surrounds them in their everyday life in a way that can be utilized to benefit the reader's personal situation. So, simply what I am trying to say is, that the information in this blog post, is to provide you with a logical perspective of what potential really is, how to identify and perceive it, and how to utilize the potential that is always surrounding you and every little thing that you do depending on the type of potential it is and the unique situation you're harnessing it for.
I am also using this blog as a direct example of my perception of this idea or concept I am speaking about. You see, potential can be good or bad, it can come and go, it can be used or ignored, it can be large or small, it can be mine or yours, it can even be easy or hard. The cool thing is, no matter what, if properly educated, we can utilize it, no matter what form it is in, to our advantage. So, to make it more simple; I've categorized the main forms of potential into these 4 categories.
Personal Potential

Now, for most of us, personal potential is the quality of potential we think we know the best. As for me, I've come to the conclusion, that personal potential is what allows us to overcome challenges, and even the smallest obstacles in our daily lives that can affect our ability to be productive and even influence us to be unproductive. Saddly, it is the quality of potential that we are the most blind to regularly. We seem to notice other forms of potential easier in other people, and situations than the potential we personally carry and play a direct role in our dailey lives and challenges. [For example],
"We might see a friend of ours perusing a certain objective and be able to understand the reasons they are perusing that objective because it makes sense. On the other hand, when we try to reason with our own objectives and make sense of the importance of the steps it will take to complete an objective, we tend to get confused and oversee the reasons and likeliness for achieving our goals which causes us to lack the perception of our own potential for completing the objective."
The Las Vegas Riders for instance, they have been the worst team in the NFL for over 20 years now. This is because every year, every new player that is drafted to the Raiders has to live with the perception of their opportunity to play on the Las Vagas Raiders team as being only good enough to be drafted by the NFLs worste team. These kind of mind sets are the ones that deteriate the chances of the Raiders pulling off a year of redemption, and lower the level of potential they have to thrive as a team.
A good way of understanding our true personal potential is to relate it to our reputations. Simular to our reputations, our personal potential depends on the choices we make through out our unique individual life's and how we chose to deal with our problems. Another important subject that affects our personal potential is our realization of how the smallest bits of change can act like invisible obstacles that we are completely blind to. Here's a quick example to demonstrate to you the importance of recognizing the small changes that affect our personal potential,

"A friend of mine is always utilizing our friendship to vent about the problems in his daily life, which I have no problem with. One day I recognized that he had been dealing with the same challenge regularly. I noticed that several days in a row, he had mentioned that he was late to work because he kept forgetting to set his alarm clock to the new time he was scheduled to work."
Now, there is potential that can go both ways here, and no one can change what way the potential goes except for my friend himself because it is his personal potential that is affecting his personal position. He can either keep allowing the potential to be late to work run his ability to do so, or he can utilize the potential to be at work on time by just taking the time to change his alarm clock to the correct time to be at work on time. The littlest configurations to our ability to achieve simple goals are the personal potential we most often lack awareness of.
To Utilize the personal potential surrounding us we must,
FIRST- Acknowledge the objectives we are pursuing daily.
SECOND- Develop a strategy for achieving those objectives.
THIRD- Configure our ability to implement the strategies we develop.
Personal potential is the likeliness of the configuration to our ability to implement the strategy. In other words, the likeliness of our ability to follow through with changes that alter our daily routines and obstacles is personal Potential. A good way to better understand personal potential and become more familiar with how to utilize it, try learning about people that are famous for being successful at what they did. And try to understand what their advantages were before their success and how they used those advantages to earn their success.
Take Nikola Tesla for example, once you start learning about his methods of operating and his ability's to understand complex ideas you will start to notice how he recognized these qualities about himself at a fairly young age and was able to start utilizing his unique talents early enough to maximize their potential. For a starting point, just start recognizing the problems and challenges in your life especially the small ones as oppertunity's to grow your potential by using effort and self will to eliminate or over come them.
Skilled Potential

Moving on to skilled potential, it is relatively similar to personal potential. Just the same as someone's personal potential being very high or very low, or it can be mine or yours and so on... . The difference is that personal potential refers to a specific person and the likeliness of a specific person's capabilities based on their personal traits. Whereas skilled potential suggests the likeliness of someone's capabilities based on their experiences, accomplishments, and obstacles they have overcome. Skilled potential is different and stands out from the other qualities of potential because it literally "stands out" like a soar thumb.
Now, the thing about skilled potential, it is the same as having a skill; it can be at just about anything. I know many people that are very skilled at being lazy. They have mastered the skill of sitting on their butts all the time and doing the least amount of stuff possible through every situation they come across. On the other hand, someone can be very talented at drawing or art in general. For example, a tattoo artist. It takes a lot of skill to become a well-known tattoo artist, with a good reputation. For someone to become this, it would take a lot of skilled potential. So, not only is their skilled potential for the lower aspects of life but also for the higher and anywhere that meets between.
Positive Skills

Negative skills

There are many ways to recognize someone's skilled potential. In fact, I find it to be the only quality of potential that is hard to miss. The thing about skilled potential is it can be hard to recognize in ourselves. You may see your friend who has developed tons of skills in a variety of things and think of them highly because of their skilled potential. But usually, it is difficult for us to recognize how many things we have mastered ourselves and are very skilled at. This is important to realize because we need to be able to recognize when we have mastered bad habits as skills that give us a lower level of skilled potential. Here's a scenario that can help you understand a little more clearly...
""Imagine you are in high school, you and your "special other" have just recently taken an interest in each other, and it is the first potential relationship you have ever attempted, but you really like this person to the point that you always catch yourself smiling when dazing off in deep thought about this person. Shortly into this pre-relationship with this person, this person suddenly changes their mind about you and starts seeing someone else. This breaks your heart, but the pain soon starts to fade, and a few months later, there's another opportunity to pursue a new relationship. This one works, and it is officially your first relationship, but another few months go by, and after feeling deeply for this person, this person's parents decide they want to move to an area far away, and your new special other is forced to leave you by demand of their parents needing to move so far away. This breaks your heart even worse than the first one. Right then, you start developing a defense mechanism by rejecting relationships, which turns into a habit. The next thing you know, you've gone through college, and you can't even count how many relationships were avoided to the point where you have perfected a system to keep anyone from being interested in you."
This isn't the best example scenario, but it's the first thing I came up with. I do hope it at least gets a point across to you though. Anyways, it demonstrates how we can turn on our instincts to protect ourselves from emotional trauma and replace it with unnatural habits, and when we take it to the extent of mastering these unnatural habits, it becomes a skill and affects our level of skilled potential. Skilled potential, the same as all potential, surrounds us as if it were the air we breathe.
The most important thing is to make sure that it does not become polluted and full of impurities but instead full of purity formed from our drive to succeed. One way you can be sure you are not equipping yourself with the wrong type of skilled potential, is by practicing to confront your fears. Thus allows you to deal with your fear in a more natural way instead of building techniques to avoid them that eventually turn into a wrong use of skilled potential. It also allows us to focus our attention on creating benefiting skills and habits that up our level of skilled and personal potential at the same time. If something goes wrong in life embrace it because it always has the potential to better you as a person.
Team Potential

Team potential is where it starts to get exciting. It refers to the likeliness of an outcome for two or more people or entities (organizations, corporations, companies, and so on) actively working together to pursue a common goal or objective. Team potential can be very effective and can be taken advantage of to create results quickly. The potential a team has depends on the potential of every member of the team, both personal and skilled, but it also depends on the ability each member has to work together. For example,
"Someone who is known for their skills at cooking and holds a high level of potential when it comes to crafting a delicious meal, but is not the best when it comes to working with others, could jepordize a cooking crews potential to provide quality food to its costumers if this person is recruited by the crew."
This example refers to the fact that it only takes one person on a team who is not a team player to mess up the flow of a team, which then negatively affects the amount of potential that team has to achieve their goal. So, basically team potential can be very effective and produce results rapidly, but only when everyone on the team is pursuing the same goal and is more than willing to work with others to obtain the result they are after. Many different scenarios could be considered to have team potential; in reality, only some of these scenarios are actually utilizing team potential.

The others are portraying like they are using team potential, but sometimes it's worth digging a little deeper to understand the true source of their potential. For instance, a relationship is often viewed as a team effort and it very well could be, as both sides of the relationship are after the same outcome of the relationship. If both sides are pursuing the relationship in hopes of different outcomes, then this is not team potential. And can actually be considered 2 separate cases of personal potential, because each side is using their potential to gain different results than one another. To make things simple, team potential may not always exist where there is a labeled team or assumed team at hand.

To recognize when a team you are a part of, (whether it is work, Hobbie, or personal life) is being jeopardized by one or more members of the team because of a lack of team awareness and by separating their selves from the rest of the team with goals that don't inline with the team's goal... I suggest tracking your team's potential. Develop a system that allows you to create stats on the likeliness of your team's ability to accomplish its objectives.
To do this, you can observe each member's participation in the team and evaluate each one based on their effort, their curiosity, and their commitment. If someone seems less committed than they were last month and their curiosity has drifted to subjects that aren't in line with the team goals, then more than likely, they are negatively affecting the team's potential to succeed, and adjustments could be made to elevate your team potential to its maximum capacity.
To utilize the amount of potential your team has, it is important to know the strengths and weaknesses of the members and the vulnerability and advantages of your team so that you can place each member in the position that suits their skills and traits the best while at the same time strengthening the team as a whole. There is a lot of potential that can be harnessed and used when it comes to team potential but it is almost like gambling in some situations because there can be a lot of risk and opportunity for failure if a team is not structured correctly or lacks any bit of team participation by any of the teams members.
External Potential

Now that I’ve explored personal potential, skilled potential, and team potential, it’s time to focus on the final and arguably most powerful quality of potential: external potential. This is hands down my favorite. External potential is not something that exists within us; rather, it resides in the external entities that surround us in our lives. We can view these as incredible opportunities because they reflect the possibilities that various objects, times, places, and ideas have to offer us. Every experience and event throughout our lives holds hidden bits of potential that many might overlook—until now. This topic has inspired this entire post, and I strongly believe it’s the one aspect that everyone should fully grasp and appreciate.
Since becoming aware of external potential, I’ve leveraged it to transform my life in ways that words cannot fully capture. To clarify, external potential refers to the likelihood that a specific object, time, place, or idea can produce concrete results or influence the outcomes of future events.
When considering external potential, think of it as the pronouns of potential. Instead of focusing on language, envision it in terms of external resources or value. Just as a pronoun in language relates directly to another word for efficient communication, external potential relates directly to a person’s personal potential and serves as a resource to yield more accurate results. Essentially, external potential presents us with opportunities to use to our advantage, helping us achieve the results we desire as we navigate through life’s challenges.
To illustrate what external potential looks like, I’ve provided five compelling examples:
[Example 1] - *An updated version of a translation dictionary.*

(Note: This offers immense potential for individuals seeking effective communication with those who speak different languages, eliminating the need to memorize a new language.)
[Example 2] - *A creative product idea for a store owner's inventory.*

(Note: The novelty of this idea positions it to directly influence the desired results for the store owner.)
[Example 3] - *A long-forgotten dessert recipe that has been rediscovered.*

(Note: This recipe could dramatically enhance the popularity and growth of a struggling restaurant, significantly impacting its stability.)
[Example 4] - *A carefully chosen location for a surprise birthday party for your favorite aunt.*

(Note: The chosen venue can profoundly affect your aunt’s feelings on her special day, offering the potential to create a memorable experience.)
[Example 5] - *A change in the timing of an annual community meeting.*

(Note: This adjustment can either help certain individuals attend who otherwise couldn’t or potentially cause others to miss out on the important event.)
As you reflect on this blog post, assess how external potential can serve you, your family, or your friends in generating the desired outcomes. It’s essential to be aware of the external potential surrounding you every day, much like the irresistible treats offered on Halloween night. Seize these opportunities; they are available to you, but only if you actively pursue them. Recognizing and utilizing external potential is the closest we can get to accurately predicting the future in our current era. Master this concept, and you can actively shape the ideal future you desire for your life.
To sum things up " The 4 Qualities Of Potential" are Personal potential; The likelihood of an outcome based on your own capability and personal traits, Skilled potential; The likelihood of an outcome based on one's experience and accomplishments leading up to a specific outcome, Team potential; The likelihood of 2 or more people or entities ability to achieve desired results based on each person's or entities ability to work together and each one's mindset, External potential; various sources of potential that reside within the outer aspects of our daily lives, which can be harnessed and utilized to our advantages.
Each quality of potential serves an important role in our personal and professional lives. If able to recognize the potential surrounding us and within us we and utilize them to our advantage and use them to manifest the desired results we work for everyday.
Glimpse into the next
In my next post, I will explore the natural laws of potential. I will delve into the roles that potential plays in manifestation and explain some of the dos and don'ts when it comes to the use of potential once it is mastered. I will also dive into the topic of the science of potential to point out the effects of using potential on yourself, others, and the world in both positive and negative perspectives as well as to demonstrate different methods of accessing external potential depending on your unique circumstances. Be sure not to miss the next post on potential by following me and if you enjoyed this content, please do share this to your socials. Also if you have advice or questions feel free to leave a comment in the comment section of this post!
Thanks for reading!
Until next time,
Codie D Wilkinson, Creator of
The Unknown Potential.